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Smart Autoplay: The Industry’s Hidden Secret for Hooking Your Audience, Increasing Your Video’s Play Rate, and Boosting Conversions

No one had this… so we had to build it ourselves. And the results have been crazy: Brent Messer saw a 49% conversion rate increase over the traditional ‘click to play’ style video with this Smart Autoplay video technology…

When a viewer lands on your video page...

Typically, they're still in decision mode, considering if they want to engage and watch your video, or leave the page.

Which is why we’ve developed...

Smart Autoplay

A unique video feature designed to capture attention and immediately draw someone in to watching your video.

How Smart Autoplay Helps Boost Your Video Engagement & Conversions

Smart Autoplay Gets Your Audience’s Attention by Auto Playing Your Video With Sound

Even If It’s Blocked By The Browser!

Smart Autoplay adapts to any browser — even mobile

Vidalytics Smart Autoplay intelligently adapts to browsers blocking autoplay with sound — which doesn’t happen 100% of the time — and will play your video with sound, if possible. This way you don’t miss out on any conversions.

But if it is blocked from doing so, it will fall back to playing on mute with an Autoplay Message on top.

Customize Your Autoplay Messages

The muted Autoplay Messages are totally customizable so that you can match it to your brand and get max engagement. You can change the copy and colors of the Autoplay Message, so you can have it say the best possible message to get that click.

You can also have your video go full screen when unmuted, have it always autoplay on mute, or turn its autoplay on / off only for mobile devices.

3 Different Autoplay Message Styles

You can choose from 3 different Autoplay Message Styles - Front & Center, Loud & In Your Face or Classy in the Corner.

We made the ’Front & Center’ style the default since Steve Weatherford’s team split test these and found it to convert the best.

The Secret Sauce - Unmute & Restart

When your muted autoplay videos are clicked anywhere, they immediately restart and unmute.

This way the playing video grabs your viewers’ attention but also restarts so they don’t miss a thing. This is exactly what bumped Brent Messer’s conversion rate by 49% — when split tested... 

What Everyone Is Saying About Vidalytics’ Smart Autoplay

Matej Bester
Joel Erway
Jon Benson
Frank Kern
Chris Encarnacion
Brent Messer
Eric Raum
Sam Robbins
Tim Houston
Ryan Wardell
Joe Sulima
Sean Anthony
Chris Badgett
Karmjit Singh
Max Fata
Max Sallinen
Braun Miller
Justin Christianson
Dennis Crosby
Steven Gunn
Claire Jarrett
John Wheeler
Warren Phillips
Philip Meese
Andrew Contreras
Richard Denzer
Max Peters
Gauher Chaudhry
Bobby Hewitt
DC Fawcett
Andres Calderon
Linda van der Hoeven
Brent Messer
Brent Messer
Nutra Smash

"Vidalytics’ Smart Autoplay bumped my conversion rate by 49%. I’m never leaving Vidalytics!"

Eric Raum
Eric Raum
CEO, Lexapure

"I love Vidalytics. Better pricing than Wistia, with WAY better analytics. The autoplay that restarts when unmuted pays for itself in increased conversions each month for us. Best video hosting for our industry, hands down!'

Karmjit Singh
Karmjit Singh
Rise Media

"One vote here for Vidalytics, their unmuted autoplays increased video plays with the flashing message on top of video while it's playing in the background, then restarts from the beginning when clicked. Genius."

What Everyone Is Saying About Vidalytics’ Smart Autoplay

Brent Messer
Nutra Smash

"Vidalytics’ Smart Autoplay bumped my conversion rate by 49%. I’m never leaving Vidalytics!"

Eric Raum
Best Video Hosting for Our Industry, Hands Down
CEO, Lexapure

"I love Vidalytics. Better pricing than Wistia, with WAY better analytics. The autoplay that restarts when unmuted pays for itself in increased conversions each month for us. Best video hosting for our industry, hands down!'

Karmjit Singh
Rise Media

"One vote here for Vidalytics, their unmuted autoplays increased video plays with the flashing message on top of video while it's playing in the background, then restarts from the beginning when clicked. Genius."

Brent Messer
Nutra Smash

"Vidalytics’ Smart Autoplay bumped my conversion rate by 49%. I’m never leaving Vidalytics!"

Eric Raum
Best Video Hosting for Our Industry, Hands Down
CEO, Lexapure

"I love Vidalytics. Better pricing than Wistia, with WAY better analytics. The autoplay that restarts when unmuted pays for itself in increased conversions each month for us. Best video hosting for our industry, hands down!'

Karmjit Singh
Rise Media

"One vote here for Vidalytics, their unmuted autoplays increased video plays with the flashing message on top of video while it's playing in the background, then restarts from the beginning when clicked. Genius."

Increase Your Conversions Now By Simply Swapping Out Your Video Player

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