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595k Sessions Prove Vidalytics Converts Better than Wistia, YouTube & Vimeo in A/B Split Tests

595k Sessions

The Test Parameters: A/B Split Test
Type of Page: Video Landing Page
Traffic Source: Cold, Search, Google Display Network

The Analysis & Takeaway

Golden Tree Nutrition wanted to find the best video player for Video Sales Letters with autoplay on both mobile and desktop. So, naturally, they came to Vidalytics.
Initially, they reached out to us to negotiate our rates and see if they could save some money. They were also considering moving to YouTube, which of course is free, but doesn’t have the Video Conversion Tech like Vidalytics, to maximize sales from your videos.

So, instead of cutting our already extremely low rates even more, we told them to test it!
We’ve done our own testing where we outconvert other players. But it is a lot more powerful when it is your own data proving this.
Golden Tree and his front man, Matej, took us up on the challenge to verify our claims with some classic A/B split tests.
They ran 3 split-tests side by side using the same video with the same exact video, just on different video platforms.

Here are their results:

1. YouTube Vs. Wistia

The first version tested was YouTube vs. Wistia. In this case, Wistia performed a bit better than YouTube, with a CR of 0.21%, above the 0.17% of YouTube.

 Google Analytics experiment comparing conversion rates between the original video and Wistia.

2. Wistia Vs. Vidalytics (+26%)

The second variation tested was Wistia vs. Vidalytics. Here, Vidalytics absolutely killed. With a 0.24% CR against 0.19% of Wistia’s, we were REALLY excited. Especially after looking closely at the data and some specific days in which Vidalytics’ performance was off the charts.

Google Analytics experiment comparing conversion rates between the original video and Vidalytics.

3. Vidalytics Vs. Vimeo (+15%)

We were intrigued to look at the results from this test, after learning the results that the variation #2 had. Vidalytics once more came on top, with a 0.26% CR, above the 0.23% of Vimeo. A 15% increase!

Google Analytics experiment comparing conversion rates between the original video and Vimeo.

After over 595,000 sessions across 3 split-tests with four players, Vidalytics outconverted all the other players.
This is likely due to Vidalytics’ blazing fast speeds.
But then you also need to consider all the unique Video Conversion features of Vidalytics that weren’t enabled in this test, and  that you can’t get anywhere else, like Smart Autoplay, Exit Thumbnails and Video Conversion Tracking.
The cherry on top is that we also use less bandwidth than Wistia. And this bandwidth, on average, costs half as much as Wistia’s.
If that doesn’t convince you, you’re invited you to run your own tests as well! Come try us for FREE… and let us know how it goes 😉

Hand holding a smartphone showing Vidlytics analytics, surrounded by labels like 'Click,' 'Pause,' 'CTA,' 'Buy Now,' and 'Play Gate' against a purple background.

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Hand holding a smartphone showing Vidlytics analytics, surrounded by labels like 'Click,' 'Pause,' 'CTA,' 'Buy Now,' and 'Play Gate' against a purple background.

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