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Boost eCommerce Conversion Rates With These 6 Autoresponder Videos

6 Types of Autoresponder Videos for eCommerce

Nobody likes buying from nameless brands or big corporations they barely know. In today’s evolving world, transparency is king.

The game changer? Adding video to your automations

Most people send cart abandons, upsell emails and new prospect sign up (sometimes called a nurture or welcome series) to their leads/customers. The problem is, even with the best written personalized copy, it’s still only text. It doesn’t connect as well as personal videos can.

Videos have never been easier in history to create. These days, you can create simple videos using your smartphone and even edit them on the built-in apps. You can make screen recording videos if you’re not comfortable on camera. So there’s no reason not to use them.

You can easily insert a screenshot into your emails and link that directly to your Vidalytics videos. Vidalytics (unlike other video platforms) will not only host the video, but give in depth time-on-video and conversion rates.

This data helps you understand how hot or cold those watching the videos are. These insights can help you dial in your media buying (advertising) to reach audiences that are more likely to buy.

How do I increase automation conversions with videos?

In this guide, I’ll walk you through how to add personal videos into the emails that most eCommerce brands are already sending that add connection and drive profits higher.

Cart Abandonment Series

Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

Typically the first two cart abandon emails show them what they had in their cart and remind them to come back to the store. Smart brands often include imagery and text that remind customers what they’re missing out on or social proof. A coupon to ‘save the sale’ usually doesn’t happen until email three.

On top of the text you’d normally have in those first two emails, add a video (screenshot linked to video) in each.

Here’s a rough script for those two videos:

Cart Abandon Email 1 Video

– Hey! Our team noticed you were looking at the site
– I personally wanted to send a video before you order
– Our products aren’t the usual type you find in stores
– (why we’re better/different/unique)
– The system has saved what you had in your cart
– Check that email with subject line “___” to reserve the items
– Everything’s made in limited runs but we’ve placed your product on hold for the next 48 hours
– I’ll send you another video after you order
– See you on the other side

Cart Abandon Email 2 Video

– Hey, still haven’t decided?
– Just wanted to send a personal video here
– Your (product) is still on hold for one more day
– They’re made in small batches (for quality), so we can’t hold them long
– If you’re on the fence, remember we stand by our product
– You’re totally covered by a X day…
– Thanks for visiting (Brand)

New Subscriber Video

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

In your onboarding sequence (sometimes called a nurture or welcome series) you’re usually emailing your prospects for the very first time. They haven’t bought anything yet and really don’t know much about you.

This is the perfect opportunity to sell them on why they joined.

Here’s a rough script for that first email:

– Hey Friends, thanks for joining our email list
– You’ll now get access to new tips/news, special offers, and new product announcements each day/week/etc. in your inbox
– You’re one of tens of thousands who’ve come looking for something better
– Our products are NOT the same stuff you’ll find in the supermarket (here’s why)
– We’ve come a long way (general product line story)
– My hope for every one of our customers is…..
– Thanks again for joining us

Add more about why you started the company and how you plan to change the world if you can. Anything that helps them know you better will boost your results and connection with these prospects.

New Buyer Video

Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash

Now that they’ve bought, it’s time to let them know what’s happening. Remember, they’ve never heard of you before, so it’s a good time to show them their money didn’t just go into a black hole. Usually they haven’t even gotten a tracking number yet.

Here’s a script for a video you could easily embed in that first email:

– Hey there! Just wanted to send a short message from myself and the team here at (brand)
– Thank you for your order and placing your trust in us.
– We’ve put countless hours into creating each so the quality is as high as possible
– We really believe you’ll enjoy them and feel better as a result
– It’s my mission that ______ (we spread quality/health/vitality/energy/life changing benefits)
– Here’s what’s going to happen next.
– Your order’s gone off to our customer service team
– They’re packaging and shipping that in the next business day
– You’ll see an email with the tracking number after that
– Should arrive within a week or so depending on the shipping type and where you’re located.
– Send us a note when it arrives and let us know what you think
– Your feedback is important to us.
– Thanks again from the team at (brand)

Order Shipped Video

Photo by Norbert Kundrak on Unsplash

So many companies send a generic email out of Shopify, WooCommerce or some other platform that only provides the tracking number and a cold message that it’s on its way. These emails have incredibly high open rates and are another chance to let prospects feel like they’re getting to know you.

They’re probably excited about what’s about to come in the mail, but they may not know much about how things are done or what to expect. Including a video in these emails can make the buying process more fun.

Here’s an example of an order shipped video script:

– Just wanted to let you know your order has been shipped!
– We place great care in ensuring they get to you fresh, well packaged and in a dark well sealed box
– Should you have any problems, let us know.
– Thanks again for your order..
– Oh.. and remember to check out (our website) for recipes, other uses and benefits of the product. There is a TON of info there.

Testimonial Request Video

Photo by Harry Cunningham on Unsplash

Social proof is an incredible driver of sales. Most brands have an email that goes out 10-14 days after purchase that requests a testimonial. If you use Shopify and Yotpo, this email is completely customizable.

You can easily include another screenshot linked to a video to increase the number of people who send one in with a personal touch.

Here’s an example of a testimonial request video:

– Hey, the system tells us your product should have arrived by now
– Can I ask you a favor?
– We’re on a mission to provide the highest quality (things)
– That’s why we’ve invested $$$ in manufacturing, bottles, high quality ingredients, science…
– It’s our hope to get these life-changing (things) into as many homes as possible…
– Here’s how you can help us
– We need more stories from our customers. They help us spread the word.
– If you’ve noticed (typical benefits people like about the product)…
– Please email us back or send us a video letting us know
– From all of us – thank you

Winback Email Series Video

Photo by 许 婷婷 on Unsplash

After around 30-90 days (depending on the purchase cycle of the product you sell) most brands send out what’s called a winback series. They’re meant to remind people to come back and make another purchase. Re-orders are the lifeblood of eCommerce.

These often use cheesy lines like “We missed you” and people are wise to those angles these days. Including a personal video can make a big difference.

Here’s a sample script of a winback series video:

– Hey, our systems indicate we haven’t seen an order from you recently
– If you bought and haven’t tried…I just want to encourage you to open the box
– Each of our products is extremely effective
– Some (benefits) aren’t obvious (here’s some benefit examples)
– The longer you use the product, the better the results get
– I know you’ll love it, as many customers and myself have over the years
– We’ve included a special offer to encourage you to invest in another one of these (products)

You can customize this of course. For health products, you might want to remind people that some benefits aren’t obvious or visible but internal. For clothing or artwork it would be great to remind them to check out the store as styles are being upgraded and changing all the time.

Start boosting email conversions with video today!

The more you include personal touches like the ones outlined in this article, the better the prospect will feel about your brand. These all contribute to what the sales world calls your KLT.

That acronym stands for Know – Like – Trust.

Vidalytics makes it easy to include these and even swap them for different video angles to see which ones convert better and drive more or less sales. Try adding one today.

You don’t have to add one to every series at once, start with the cart abandon series or the new customer welcome. Insert one video, test it and see!

About The Author
Daniel J. Deyette has been leading strategy and managing email marketing for clients for over 15 years. You can follow him and learn more about his strategies at MailerSkills.com

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